Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I Have Gay Parents--From Bella

"M y mom and her best friend came out when I was about 11. And I'm honestly proud they are together! They started off married to men, but my mom divorced when I was about 7 and her girlfriend divorced her husband about 3 years later and a while after that they decided they were in love and wanted to live as a family, which was fine with us kids because we practically had always been a family anyways.
A lot of people, including people in my own family look down on it, think its disgusting and has somehow "damaged" the morals of us kids but nothing could be further from the truth. All I remember of my mom & dads marriage is fighting and fear, unhappiness and tension. Here there is nothing but love and understanding and happiness and laughter every day. And when the moms ARE fighting, they never do it infront of us or drag us into it. And though all 4 of us kids are different as night and day, we were all raised by them to be tolerant and loving and accept people for who they are. It may not be the norm and people can think what they want but as long as my mother is happy, I am happy and wouldn't have it any other way. :)" -Bella

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