Monday, January 4, 2010


Happy 2010! We have reached a new decade. Who knows what this will bring for everybody? I know for me and my partner it will bring a very accomplished and successful year. On our list of 2010 things,

we have our Los Cabos, Mexico vacation trip in February (hot sun and drinks!)

Purchasing our first car! This is a BIG deal for us 20-somethings. There is nothing that spells "sweet success" like your own ride!

Continuing our studies. Being educated is the #1 goal of being accomplished. A lot of people take education for granted but it is very important in our society and something I enjoy every day. The challenges, the thrills and the new knowledge are wonderful. Plus, you get to make new friends!
And shed the weight of 2009!

Sunday, January 3, 2010



Jewish (yellow shirt)
and Black




A lot of my friends are interracial couples. I have a gay couple friend, well off, one of whom is White with a German background and the other who is biracial. They make a great couple, and I have a lesbian couple who is also a biracial woman and a White woman. They are sweet together. Of course, my partner is White and we are an interracial couple. My sister is in an interracial relationship, and I know thousands if not millions of people are in interracial relationships. We just fell in love with someone, not based on their race, but based on other things like personality, character, their smile, their eyes, their quirky habits, their long hair. We love them for who they are. And that's OK.

People should be happy they can date whomever they want. We have conservatives and White supremists who do not condone "interracial" dating in the U.S.A. and in other countries, it is the norm to date inside one's culture--if not, expected. Luckily, in countries like Britain and Canada, we have the choice. And we should appreciate that choice. The world is not as open minded as we would like to think! Inter racial dating and biracial children are a beautiful thing.

Neo-Nazi Website STORMFRONT

It can be hard to believe racism and anti-semitism still exists after the Holocaust and the Civil Rights movement, but it does and it occurs online with the website Stormfront. It is a white supremicist website full of hate, Holocaust denying and racism. The members come from all over the world from the USA to the smallest town in Europe. It is shocking and I have spent some time reading over some posts which are so uneducated and untrue, revolting and disgusting I cannot believe such a degrading and dehumanizing website exists. What causes such people to be so hateful and racist?

Yes, the people of the educated and loving world have to ignore these sociopaths. They want an ethnic cleansing, an all white universe, well....unfortunately, that is impossible. Black woman are not Negresses, as they call them, and biracial children are beautiful and smart and as equal to any child as can be. Jewish people are wonderful people, and they should not be targeted or singled out for being a Jew. I thought the Holocaust happened in 1940s. Why have people's mind not changed? Destruction and hate is not the way to rule the world.

The only way to cast out darkness like this website is through love, acceptance and open mindedness. Every race is beautiful and equal and we do not need these sick websites on the Internet.