There are practical and fun reasons as to why you should wait before you pop out a pricy, time-consuming mini-me. Other than the obvious such as you are young and inexperienced, there are others. Before you really think about juggling a baby, and future career aspirations, intimate relationships, the cost of a wedding (if you are not married, yet) and further education if you havent completed post-education (or even high school) you should consider this:
MUCH MORE SLEEP. Imagine being able to sleep in on weekends, and sleep through the night in your down duvet and your fluffiest white pillow without any interruptions other than the occasion beeping of your Blackberry. It is true bliss, and to function well you need your zZzZs!
Babies will tear you apart from the precious thing known as shut-eye. You will be up at erratic hours while you should be finishing your homework and putting on the jammies.

Spending time with the girlfriends (who do not have kids. Because we all know all she will ever talk about is...her kids). You need to bond and socialize with your BFFs and having a baby cuts your social time to nearly zero unless you want to be considered a party monster and unfit parent, although to you innocently enough, youre just catching up with some gal pals. Well, the world sees it differently. And its really fun to rewind and have some R&R, and bring up the old times. Like how glad you are you used a condom at that last party!
Look in the window of that shop. You want that bag, but with a baby you cannot afford it, not with baby formula and the cost of daycare. Being a young mama really isnt so easy, and it means likely not affording to do something everybody likes to indulge in...SHOPPING. Thats right, the hundreds of dollars you will be forking over for baby could be spent on yourself. A new purse, some well-deserved heels, a shiny belt or a few polo shirts. Well, since you had a baby so young you werent able to make it to the managerial position you had aspired to. dont shop. You scrimp. And scrimp And scrimp.
Life can get stressful and you need to relax at the club or bar with your friends or a hot date. With a crying baby depending on you, say goodbye to dates and clubbing! Alcohol and parenting dont mix very nicely, and the last thing you need is the smell of rum on your breath as you serenade your little tyke with lullabies. Yeah, so even though you say you are not the Party Type, everybody can benefit from a social gathering of some sort whether it be a fun gala or a full blown hotel party with the limos and the Christian Louboutins. Just face it--juggling a baby and trying to Shake It Down Low just wont work.
wait until you are THIRTY!
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