1. Buy reusable bags and actually REUSE them. If you find them ugly, find a store who has pretty reusable bags such as Roots, Whole Foods, the Big Carrot and Pusateris. They should not cost over 99cents. Do not forget to wash bags once in a while if you use them for groceries. I have about 10 of these bags and they come into great use!!! I hate having plastic bags now!
2.Use reusable mugs. Every cup you use when you buy a coffee or a latte is just thrown out! Starbucks, Second Cup and other coffee shops sell reusable mugs. Even most dollar stores sell them, and so do many stores like Walmart and Canadian Tire.
3.Stop purchasing brand names that are destroying the earth and abusing animals such as Proctor&Gamble. They own many brand names like Tide and Iams dog food but also abuse animals.
I have been boycotting them for 2 years. P&G still kill. (This goes for KFC as well, folks!)Shop for animal-friendly and energy-saving brands.
4.If you have a backyard, compost and grow more rich soil. Plus, the vegetables you grow can be used in the kitchen which saves you money! Plus maintaining a garden will give you a great hobby in the sun!
5. If you smoke, put your butts where they belong, in an ashtray or in the garbage. Do not butt on the street, in parks or on the ground. Stop littering!
6. Boycott capitalism. Buy your items used (cheaper, too), reuse your own items or pass them on to someone else, or shop at small independently owned shops and mom&pop food joints. Eat a wide array of fresh foods, organic meats and whole grains--not pre-packaged, frozen foods. This is a whole industry in itself and factory food is not even healthy!
7. When you do not need any, turn off the lights in the house. Turn the heat down and wear a warm sweater and some slippers, or make a cup of hot chocolate to warm you up in the winter. Try to handwash clothes once in a while to conserve energy, cook on lower heats and if you plan to buy a car, buy an eco-friendly car like..a Prius! Or at least a Yaris.
If you do drive a gas-guzzling Hummer or something, make sure you do your part such as donating to environmental organizations, signing petitions and taking part in your citys annual vegetarian food fair or fundraisers. Try to consume less meat, wear less leather and pay attention to how big companies are abusing animals.
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