To dissolve, submerge, and cause to disappear the political or governmental system in the economic system by reducing, simplifying, decentralizing and suppressing, one after another, all the wheels of this great machine, which is called the Government or the State. --Proudhon, General Idea of the Revolution
Capitalist society is organized around the making of profits. Masses of people work for corporations who pay them in wages only a portion of the value that they create through their labour. The rest is pocketed in the form of profits. Not only does this mean exploitation in the workplace but also that the drive for profits shapes every aspect of society. What is produced and who can consume it has nothing to do with the real needs of people but only the enrichment of a few. The laws that govern and the way they are enforced are shaped by profits. If there's money in building condos instead of affordable housing, the homeless will stay on the streets, laws will be passed to arrest them and the most brutal thugs they can find will be given guns and badges to "serve and protect" the wealthy. If it's profitable to clear-cut forests or pollute rivers and streams, then laws to protect the environment will not get passed or will be weakly enforced. In ten thousand ways, each and every day, the needs of people are trampled into the ground so that more profits can be piled up.
The vast wealth of the handful of families who really control everything in this society was built up over generations, and was created out of our blood and sweat and that of those who came before us. Early capitalist society in Europe was set up by driving poor peasants off their land and passing laws that made it a hanging offence to be unemployed. The forerunners of today's corporations amassed their wealth through the African slave trade. They seized other countries as colonies and bled them dry. They forced people in India to grow opium for export to China and, when the Chinese banned the import of this drug, sent warships to bombard their cities until their "right" to carry on this profitable business was restored. They stole the North American continent from the original Indian population and murdered tens of millions of people in the process. They imported masses of immigrants to provide them with cheap labour (as they do to this day) and kept these people down by means of the most ugly and brutal racism. They fought with their rivals in other countries over who would get the biggest share of the profits and, whenever they did, working class people were sent off to kill their brothers and sisters in other countries. Always, they have kept a part of the population unemployed and living in extreme poverty so as to intimidate those who have jobs and prevent them from winning higher wages. For generations, they have operated a system that is designed to oppress and exploit the many in the interests of the few.
2. Globalization
Despite the power that the capitalists have in their hands, people have always resisted them. After the Second World War, in the face of huge struggles that threatened their system's survival, capitalists granted independence to many of their colonies. They also were forced to recognize trade unions and put in place social programs like medicare, public housing and unemployment insurance. By the 1970s, however, these reforms were eating into their profits in a big way. The rate of return on their investments was in decline and this they could not stand for. From the mid-1970s on, capitalism has been working to take back these earlier improvements. An agenda that has become known as "globalization" has been developed to remove any and all barriers to the making of profits. Central to this strategy have been the infamous "free trade" deals that have led to the dismantling of social programs and other protections for working and poor people as so many barriers to "international competitiveness." This brand of globalization allows capital to move across borders, but not workers. This means that employers have the freedom to hunt the globe for the cheapest labour, but workers can't counterbalance this trend by relocating to improve their standard of living. Ontario Premier Mike Harris didn't cut welfare and cancel social housing construction just because he's a bag of dirt. He did it because the system he represents needs to get richer at our expense. Under capitalism, even the small gains we've previously enjoyed are under the gun.
Source: Anti-Poverty Anti Capitalism by John Clarke http://www.rabble.ca/news/anti-poverty-anti-capitalism
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