After watching the epic movie, "Milk'; my emotions are deeply stirred by the Marriage Law conflict in California. I do not live in the United States, I live in Canada but it affects me as some who is adamant about the equality of all humans (I have a stand on many issues such as honour killings, Indian's population crisis, etc not just LGBTQ issues...but that's a different story :) and who is a very openly lesbian young woman. It saddened a lot of Canadians and people around the world when Proposition 8 was passed on November 4, 2009; not just Americans. I prospect that my chagrin will be removed in 2012 when the vote for Prop 8 will be lowered and this ridiculous law will be repealed, as it should be, and as it is in different States. These crazy Mormons.................We need more love and unity in this world, and whether it is same-sex or opposite sex or asexual, love is the strongest, most powerful force of good there is. 

More than anything, my heart goes out for those couples who were aspiring to get married and were refused because of this new, asinine law. I hope they get on that alter, or to that courthouse, or feel the sand beneath their toes on a beach wedding and join lives and hearts and tie the knot so that it cannot be untied by people who fear and hate homosexuals. The American Dream won't dissipitate (although arguments say it already has) it just needs to wake up and change a few things, it's not the 1950's anymore. We can still have functional families with an alternative disposition. Once you have two parents who love their children and each other, that love can go farther than any 'dream' can.

I will be personally down in San Francisco for their Gay Pride Parade in June 2010 to march and publicize the issue at hand. It is a political fight, not just a "I'm here, I'm queer" party. Lives and families are at stake. We don't have a "union" we have a family. And if this thing was happening in Canada, I would be writing to every politician every day, protesting and publicizing this conflict until something was done. Nobody is going to sit back and let time reverse itself!
I am hoping big for the next few years to have some monumental change. <3>
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