When my fiance and I decided we were going to have babies, I was exuberant with joy. I immediately began to search for bold, statement T-shirts to exemplify our diverse, multiethnic family (still in the making). Shirts with sayings like, "I love my two Mommies!" and "Hatched By Two Chicks" with little, cute rainbow coloured flags waving on tiny onesies were everywhere. I guess someone else thought of the grande idea.
We want our kids to be abundantly proud of their lesbian parents. I mean, first of all, we're cool people. We have cool jobs (magazine editor and police officer) and we have some cool friends. I already have a stack of movies like "Milk" and Aimee and Jaguar, Brokeback Mountain, Boys Dont Cry, The Hanging Garden, Saving Face, etc. I am going to be the kind of mother that hunts high and low for all sorts of children's books that portray LGBTQ families (rare, but growing) like the popular Asha's Mum, Heather Has Two Mommies, The Family Book by Todd Parr, and the White Swan Express.
We are going to have some amazing kids. My trilingual partner who is Albanian speaks Albanian, English and Italian and our kids will speak English and Albanian, while I speak English, German and Albanian. (Last one was a pain to learn with words like bje and cfare. Like, how do you pronounce that???!) It took a while. And I'm of Caribbean descent--and the sperm donors we have looked at are going to be reflective of our diverse background (the closest thing I could find to an Albanian sperm donor was from Kosovo but he looked like Frankenstein so I'm now contemplating a kinesiologist with a Danish background). While my partner's donor is going to be from the Dominican Republic (easier to find, and my background).
Like some lesbian couples, we have both decided to give birth. I am going first (yes, we played rock, paper, scissors and I lost ....just kidding!) and since I have the insane baby fever I am going to be sperminated by the end of my university program(I decided to go back to school for a degree)...I have 3 more years. While my partner is going to take the plunge before she turns 28 (she's 25 now). We are looking for a big suburban home so we can have a big suburban, crazy multiracial lesbian-headed family and raise our brood of Pride-loving patriots.
We are one of those really "out" lesbians you'll see grabbing each other's butt and professing our love in many different languages in public. I wear my engagement ring proudly and so does she; and living in a diverse city like Toronto we see lesbian/gay couples everywhere and we just sorta nod with secret appreciation of their existence although I'd gladly like to run up to them, squeal like a toddler and ask them for their number so we could have a coffee at Starbucks...once I start to walk faster my partner usually holds me back by the arm and whispers, "Darling, they're just like us. Leave them alone."
I have already decided every baby product I will get for our future kids who will be arriving in 2-3 years (God, that seems so far!!!!!) and we decided on the MacLaren Burberry stroller (I blame my obsession on these sorta things on Suri Cruise!! Damn the totarazzi!), a jogging E.B Vector 3-wheel sporty stroller for my tomboyish sweetheart, the Baby Bjorn Synergy Carrier (so in love with this product!!!) http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://littlehedgehog.co.nz/images/catalogue/Baby_Bjorn_Synergy_Black.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.littlehedgehog.co.nz/index.php%3Fmain_page%3Dproduct_info%26products_id%3D409&usg=__FJL_EDkXyosb9TRIoDq3d2nqris=&h=300&w=300&sz=21&hl=en&start=11&um=1&tbnid=_zLpQBcY2RzZdM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dblack%2Bbaby%2Bcarrier%26hl%3Den%26um%3D1.
And the Ragazzi Etruria Collection Crib.
But other than my big baby fever, we have a lot of other things to prepare for like our 10-day North Ontario trip to Muskoka woo-hoo ! We'll be leaving in 4 days and getting some good fishing, swimming and bonfire-karaoke done, that's for sure! Although last time I was up North I was sucked dry by gelatinous, viscid leeches in the lake and we had to run from a brown bear (I s**t you not). But with our fingers crossed (and hopefully not bitten off), we should do fine! Us city-dwellers can do the big Northern part of our province! We can prove our Canadianism to these veterans of the forests and lakes! (Right now I am printing off instructions for How To Create a Bonfire....thank God for Google). -MB
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