I have been on Yahoo! Answers and found an alarming amount of racism and discrimination posted on the site. I just couldn't believe it (even though, yes it is the Internet and they could hide in their rooms while posting heinous things) and just had to clear it up a little bit. For all the people who hate a single race or color, or more than one, it would be a good idea to actually learn about their cultures, values and thei
r race. They are different than us, yes, but they live in this country too (or your country) and they are people ultimately--with hearts. Why don't you learn a bit about them?

Indians http://www.webindia123.com/india/people/people.htm ; http://www.indianchild.com/amazing_facts_of_India.htm
Did you know chess was invented in India? The largest employer in the world is the Indian railway system--employing over 1 million people! Ayurveda is the oldest known medicine practice in the world. The game snakes and ladders was created in the 13th century by Gyandev, and Sushruta is regarded as the father of surgery. Over 2600 years ago Sushrata & his team conducted complicated surgeries like cataract, artificial limbs, cesareans, fractures, urinary stones and also plastic surgery and brain surgeries.
Gunpowder was first discovered in China where it was used to create fireworks, signal flares and small missiles used for military purposes.

Chinese President Hu Jintao loves Starbucks coffee (and so does Bill Gates).
Paper was first invented in China in 105 AD. It was a closely guarded secret and didn't reach Eurupe until the 8th century. Paper was first invented in China in 105 AD. It was a closely guarded secret and didn't reach Eurupe until the 8th century.
The United States has $7 trillion national debt, much of which has been loaned to the USA from wealthy Chinese banks. (WOW)!
In Albania, nodding the head means no, and shaking the head means yes. Vesna Vulović (Serbian: (born 3 January 1950) is a former Serbian flight attendant. She holds the world record, according to the Guinness Book of Records, for surviving the highest fall without a parachute: 10,160 meters.
Africans - Benjamin Banneker was a self-educated scientist, astronomer, inventor, writer, and antislavery publicist. He built a striking clock entirely from wood, published a Farmers' Almanac.
In 1892, he patented a rotary engine. In 1897, Andrew Beard patented an improvement to railroad car couplers commonly called the Jenny Coupler (not to be mistaken for the Janney coupler). It did the dangerous job of hooking railroad cars together, Beard, himself had lost a leg in a car coupling accident. As an ex-railroad worker, Andrew Beard had the right idea that probably saved countless lives and limbs

There are thousands of things Africans have invented and been noted for in the development of science and it would be too time-consuming for you and me to read them all but here are a few notable ones: the lawn mower, ticket punch (or more commonnly the hole puncher), a disposable syringe, propellants for nuclear reactants, the golf tee; Lewis Latimer was the only African American member of the Edison's Principles.
Africa also grows large amounts of coffee, cotton, cocoa and rubber so if you like your Starbucks and chocolate--thank Africa! ;)
Now, if you keep reading books about the world's history and inventors, scientists and other cultures--you will find a plethora of knowledge and can make an informed judgment next time you feel like discriminating against a race. =) Think about it....Wisdom is knowledge.
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