As a woman who is 100% Dominican, and who is dating a woman who is 100% Albanian--we are bored! I love looking at mixed race people, and interracial couples and their unique beauty. I knew a couple who was Iraqi (the husband) and Israeli-Jewish-Phillipino (the wife) who had a newborn Iraqi, Israeli, Phillipino mixed son who was just adorable. And most of my friends have biracial children, or a child that is 3/4 white and 1/4 Black (meaning one of the parents were already biracial so the child is only a quarter black) and they are like little cherubs.
Stars like Lindsay Price, Halle Berry, Vin Diesel, Tiger Woods, The Rock and Rosario Dawson to name a few have either multiracial or biracial backgrounds.
In my opinion, having a child with diverse roots is a beautiful and special thing. There are so many types of biracial children out there, we cannot even keep track. Caucasian/Asian; Caucasian/Black/Balkan-European/Middle Eastern; Middle Eastern/Caucasian/Black/Asian;Black and Latino; Latino and Caucasian;Latino and Asian;Native Canadian-American and Caucasian, etc. Where does it end?
Some people are obviously biracial looking, while others can pass for one or the other race. As a woman who is going to have multi racial children, I am very pleased by the numbers of multiracial and biracial people and children out there!

Our kids will be very unique. My biological children will be Northern European/Dominican while my fiance's children will be Albanian/Carribean. Not only that, but they will have a White mother, and a Black mother which reflects their mixed background. When I was looking for a sperm donor, I was initially looking for one who looked like my fiance but she has such unique Yugoslavian features that I couldn't find one, nor could she find a male who looked remotely anything like me so we are just going to have these beautiful, biracial children.
Some people think when you have biracial children you have to raise them to be either "black" or "white" but I hope our kids see right through that. Those stereoptypes are ridiculous. I just want my kids to be kids--play videogames, go on sleepovers, discover in their treehouse, etc. We have a lot of diverse music in our household from traditional Albanian music, Italian opera, classic rock and occasionally Top 40 urban hits. We want them to be as diverse as we are in terms of extra-curricular activities (they can play basketball or golf, we don't care as long as they are happy!); music tastes, etc. We are going to do our part in educating them and instilling some pride in their cultural backgrond (mostly Albanian) and just seeing where it goes. I don't think they'll be more "black" or "white" I think they will have a bevy of multicultural friends from Afghani, Chinese, Vietnamese, European-White, Canadian-White to Black and Biracial, and I'm very fine with that! -MB