There was another lesbian couple not far from us on the public train in Toronto on a sunny Thursday day a few weeks ago, and I couldn't help but notice the many stares they received from all sorts of people from biracial children, to elderly white-haired men and even young heterosexual couples holding hand. The couple kept talking and looked each other in the eyes, completely oblivious they were being put on a pedestal because of their homosexuality.
It's something I see every day in my life since I've been with my own fiancee. It's annoying and sometimes aggravating to have people stare in shock at times like early in the morning. I just don't see the big deal of having two women (or two men) in love. It's nothing to stare at, we're pretty boring people.
Especially living in a progressive country like Canada, and a very multicultural city (Toronto), it is appalling to see so many people acting like this is the 1950s. I just have to say, fuck conservatism. I wish I could just stare right back or poke their eyes with a toothpick. Maybe one day I'll muster the confidence to do that. But why should everything have to be decidedly heterosexual and straight? Why is it the 'norm' to see a straight couple, and not a gay one?
Consenus shows that in 2006 in Toronto, 21.6% of couples identified as same-sex couples. lso, in 2006, there were 45, 300 same sex couples in Canada. Out of those 45,300 couples, 53.7% were same-sex spouses who were men, and 46.3% were same-sex spouses who were women.
This post shows what is wrong with some people. What does he prove by keeping same sex people from marrying? How does it benefit him? Does it even affect him? If you read the comments posted after his heinous article, it shows that Canadians who read this article oppose his view strongly. Gay marriage is not the biggest mistake Canada has made, but one of the best. It is refreshing to live in a progressive country....now if only there was something I could do about the staring spectators in public! =)
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