My fiancee and I are clutching tattoo magazines and poring over the brightly coloured pages as we furrow our brows and decide what to get next. For her, getting her 12th tattoo isn't a biggie--except that her 12th tattoo will be a half-sleeve of 'trees' or 'dragons', she decided

We even located our tattoo artist, in Old Havana, Cuba. We are going there for vacation for her 25th birthday and decided to get inked overseas. It's cheaper and he's one of the best.
My ideas include a very large lesbian symbol sign, a guitar or violin, a tree and my most sought after one: Buddha. I would love all 4, but will likely get my Buddha and lesbian symbol. We are stoked about our trip to Varadero, Cuba in November, and talk about it more as the days get colder and we're shivering on Queen Street. I'm fantasizing of being on the hot beach with my cool Buddha tat, sipping a glass of red wine and thinking of all the people bundled in coats in Toronto, haha suckers.
I love tats, although right now I have one. I love self-expression, but its one way to introduce yourself to the world without speaking to them. My giant rainbow-coloured tattoo with words like PRIDE underneath will scream to my stubborn city 'IM A LESBIAN' and I really like that. Like, duh, isn't it obvious enough?
I got my eyebrow pierced a week ago--I'm feeling quite eclectic. I like it.
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